North Dakota Passes Abortion Ban

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The Facts

  • North Dakota's Republican Gov. Doug Burgum signed legislation Monday limiting most abortions throughout pregnancy, with some exceptions up to six weeks gestation.

  • While designed to take effect immediately, last month, the state Supreme Court ruled abortion bans will remain blocked pending an ongoing lawsuit. Lawmakers said they passed the bill to show the courts that North Dakotans want to restrict abortion.

The Spin

Right narrative

North Dakota joins other brave US states as it takes the bold and righteous step to protect the most innocent. As a culturally pro-life state that saw its last abortion clinic close last year, this law reinforces the state's commitment to protecting the sanctity of all life. This legislation is welcomed news, and the pro-life movement will continue to grow stronger as more states stand with the unborn.

Left narrative

The North Dakota abortion ban defies both the law and the rights of women as it grants virtually no protection for women seeking access to an abortion. North Dakotans will be deprived of their bodily autonomy, and rape victims will be forced to carry their abusers’ child if they do not make a choice within six weeks. This law is against women, and it cannot stand.

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