Swedish PM Meets With Military to Address Gang Violence

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    The Facts

    • On Friday, Sweden’s Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson announced that the nation's army would support in addressing a recent surge in gang violence — that has killed at least 12 people in September alone — following a meeting with armed forces and police officers.

    • This comes after Kristersson gave a rare televised address Thursday to discuss the issue after two people were killed in separate shootings in Stockholm the day before. Early Thursday morning, a woman in her 20s was also killed after a bomb blasted her Uppsala home.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    Sweden is being transformed before our very eyes — and not for the better. A once beautiful and safe country is now being ravaged by rampant gang violence and a skyrocketing rape rate. Native Swedes aren’t committing these crimes, and there’s an obvious elephant in the room that many people are afraid to call out for politically correct reasons. The fact is that unfettered migration is turning Sweden, and other European nations, into third-world crime zones.

    Left narrative

    People from the right are trying to take power by using racist dog whistles about gang violence to demonize migrants and stoke fear. Sweden is a place for all people, but far-right nationalists seek to exclude people from Sweden and marginalize vulnerable populations. Instead of blaming migrants for gang violence, politicians should focus on addressing the root causes of violence, such as systemic racism, poverty, and discrimination.

    Metaculus Prediction