Taliban Minister Raises Refugee Assets Issue During Pakistan Visit

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    The Facts

    • The Afghan embassy in Islamabad has revealed that the Taliban's acting minister for commerce, Haji Nooruddin Azizi, has met with Pakistani top diplomat Jalil Abbas Jilani to discuss trade and the fallout of the decision to expel all undocumented migrants from Pakistan, including hundreds of thousands of Afghans, since Nov. 1.

    • The statement specifically cited stranded goods in Karachi port and the transfer of properties belonging to refugees, among other related issues. The meeting comes amid claims from deported Afghan citizens that they were facing restrictions on taking assets to their homeland.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    Pakistan will not compromise in its expulsion of illegal immigrants from the country, a policy that is not exclusive to Afghan nationals. While some complaints have occurred, the exodus of undocumented migrants has on the whole been conducted with respect. Centers providing food and medicine continue to remain open for individuals and families as they prepare for the next step of their life outside of Pakistan.

    Narrative B

    While Pakistan claims that its abrupt expulsion of Afghans is about upholding security concerns, Islamabad risks increasing animosity and the potential for exploited disillusioned migrants. By swiftly pushing thousands out of the country without allowing time to prepare for such a reality, despite many potentially having lived there for decades, Pakistan is likely paving the way for future retaliatory actions.

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