UK: Iranian Activist Given Police Protection

Image copyright: AP [via The Guardian]

The Facts

  • On Tuesday, Masih Alinejad, a prominent US-based Iranian activist and journalist, was put under Metropolitan Police protection in the UK following her appearance on the TV show 'Piers Morgan Uncensored.'

  • Alinejad, who is in London to meet parliamentarians and call for the designation of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist group, said she has been given 24-hour police protection after the Met received multiple threats to her life.

The Spin

Anti-Iran narrative

Iran's rogue clerical regime should have known that death threats would not stop Alinejad from speaking out against restrictions on women, especially because Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had already backed foiled plots to kidnap and murder her. The Islamic Republic is rotten to the core, and is completely terrified of the women of Iran who are defying its authority. It is just a matter of time to its collapse.

Pro-Iran narrative

Though anti-Iranian media has attempted to create the illusion that Alinejad is a revolutionary leader, she is just a US-backed fame-seeker claiming to support the people of Iran while encouraging the Western world to ramp up sanctions and launch a military attack on the nation. The so-called journalist lacks credibility even among those who protested in Iran.

Metaculus Prediction

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