UK Reveals New Measures for "Biggest-Ever" Migration Cut

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    The Facts

    • UK Home Secretary James Cleverly announced new measures intended to reduce immigration by 300K on Monday after revised government figures increased 2022's net migration statistic to 745K in November.

    • Starting in Spring 2024, the threshold for a skilled worker visa will increase from £26.2K ($32.9K) to £38.7K ($48.7K), while the minimum income for a migrant on a family visa to be accompanied by a spouse or dependent has also risen to £38.7K from £18.6K ($23.4K).

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    Although there will be shocks to many sectors of the UK economy, the government had to do something in light of its recent record-breaking border statistics. Restrictions on the dependents of visa holders, for example, have been long overdue. Cleverly and the Home Office must deliver, with the UK's migration a consistent sticking point for the Tory government.

    Left narrative

    The government's crackdown on visas will only restrict skilled workers from helping those in need. Immigrants must be celebrated for the work they do rather than vilified as the Conservative Party continues to depict foreign nationals. The scapegoating must stop, or the UK will suffer in the long term.

    Metaculus Prediction

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