UK: Schools Close Due to Crumbling Infrastructure

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The Facts

  • Following years of lockdowns during the pandemic, more than 100 schools and colleges in England were either fully or partially shut down due to crumbling concrete on Thursday.

  • In total, 156 schools have been found to have reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) — which has been deemed potentially unsafe — 104 of which were deemed non-critical. Regarding the 52 deemed critical, Schools Minister Nick Gibb said they "could have potentially collapsed."

The Spin

Narrative A

The reason for the UK's crumbling infrastructure is a lack of investment in the country, and the Conservatives have played a major role in this through its Brexit policies. The ruling government has known about these issues for years but decided to kick the can down the road, assuming a new one would take its place. A continued hands-off approach from the Tories will result in more destruction.

Narrative B

While education investment has declined since the Tories took over 12 years ago, the Labour Party has watched the same infrastructure crumble in coalition with the Conservatives. Everyone in the modern UK government is at fault, and neither side should be applauded for their promises until those promises materialize.

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