The Facts

  • A Ukrainian lawmaker was this week formally notified by authorities that he was under suspicion of treason, according to a video posted on his Telegram channel. Filmed as a member of Ukraine's Security Service (SBU) stood behind him, Oleksandr Dubinsky said that a Kyiv court had ordered him detained for 60 days.

  • In a statement the same day, the SBU did not name Dubinsky but alleged that a Ukrainian politician joined a criminal organization financed by Russian military intelligence. It further alleged that this group received in excess of $10M from Russia and was tasked with spreading disinformation about Ukrainian political and military leadership, including claims that high-ranking Ukrainian officials were interfering in US presidential elections.

The Spin

Left narrative

The three Ukrainians charged by the SBU of receiving funding from Russian intelligence to carry out their subversive activities were key allies of Trump-ally Rudy Giuliani. This is just further evidence of the Trump campaign's collusion with Russia.

Right narrative

Rudy Giuliani had contacted these three Ukrainians to find evidence of corruption in the country on the part of then-Vice Pres. Joe Biden and his son Hunter, then on the board of a Ukrainian energy company. Republicans are further investigating these allegations in the House. These charges smell of political persecution.

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