White House Approves Potential $440M Arms Sales to Taiwan

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The Facts

  • On Thursday, the Pentagon revealed that the US State Department had approved two potential deals with Taiwan, possibly selling up to $440M worth of ammunition and logistic support to the East Asian state.

  • The first deal, valued at $332M, centers upon the sale of 30mm ammunition, while the second $108M transaction concerns spare and repair parts for vehicles and weapons to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

It's right for the Pentagon to view a potential conflict with China over Taiwan as its top priority. Any conflict in the region would gravely weaken the US' position, while allowing China to take one step further towards global hegemony. Washington must ensure that Taiwan's defenses are maintained.

Pro-China narrative

Under the pretense of providing protection, the US is turning Taiwan into an ammunition depot, threatening the one-China principle it claims to acknowledge. As Taiwan continues to spend taxpayers' money to satisfy the US, further danger and volatility will continue to grow in the region.

Metaculus Prediction

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