DOJ Sues Live Nation, Ticketmaster Over Antitrust Violations

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The Facts

  • The US Dept. of Justice (DOJ) has filed suit against Ticketmaster and its parent company Live Nation — which could break the company into two entities.

  • Filed Wednesday, the lawsuit accuses Live Nation of engaging in anticompetitive practices that harm the live entertainment industry. Attorneys general for 29 states and Washington, D.C. are backing the suit.

The Spin

Narrative A

Live Nation and Ticketmaster, together as one entity, is a monopoly that hurts consumers, venues, and artists. This has gone on for far too long, and it's time for the government to break up the two companies and allow true competition to emerge.

Narrative B

This suit is completely unfounded and counterproductive to its stated aims. The DOJ is showing it isn't versed about Live Nation's business, which relies on market-driven prices and thin margins. Breaking up Ticketmaster and Live Nation would hurt consumers.

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