French Parliament Votes to Enshrine Abortion Rights

    Image copyright: Owen Franken-Corbis/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • After passing in the lower chamber of Parliament, the French Senate on Wednesday voted 267-50 to make abortion a constitutional right. Both chambers will vote again on Monday, and if the bill passes with a three-fifths majority, a referendum vote will be unnecessary.

    • One line in the provision states: "The law determines the conditions under which the right is guaranteed to a woman to resort to voluntarily terminating a pregnancy."

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    While this vote certainly fits France's history of leading the fight for abortion rights, it was also a strong response to the US' reversal of Roe v. Wade. As emerging right-wing governments push to roll back women's rights, leading liberal countries in the West should take inspiration from France and work to codify this human right within their own governments.

    Right narrative

    The abortion debate in France has become so taboo that only the most ardent supporters of abortion on demand have been allowed to speak freely. Even pro-life advocates aren't calling for complete bans, but what they are asking for is the ability to educate the public on the alternatives to terminating pregnancies. Social services should be designed to give people all options.

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