Houthi Missile Strike Sets Cargo Ship Ablaze

Above: Yemenis recently militarily trained by the Houthi movement hold up their guns and chant slogans as they take part in an armed popular parade held in Al-Sabeen Square. Image copyright: Mohammed Hamoud/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • The US Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a press release on Thursday that two anti-ship missiles launched by Yemen's Houthis into the Gulf of Aden set the bulk cargo carrier M/V Verbena ablaze and "severely" injured a sailor on board.

  • The wounded civilian mariner was airlifted for medical treatment while the crew on the Palauan-flagged ship extinguished the fire and continued on their way.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The Houthi's wanton attacks toward vessels in the Red Sea must stop. Many of their targets have no connection to Israel, and their disruptive moves are clearly meant to destabilize the global supply chain and sow chaos. All of this is being done with Iran's blessing, and the US must take a harder stance on both parties. Pres. Biden must rise to the challenge and confront this head-on.

Establishment-critical narrative

It's the US that is the biggest source of terror in the Middle East, as its support for Israel's indiscriminate campaign in Gaza and history of destabilizing the region make the Houthis ready for a fight. The US has propped up authoritarian leaders and terror groups in a way that gives the Houthis more legitimacy as a popular movement. Its recklessness has emboldened the Houthis as a resistance force.

Go Deeper

Establishment split