ICJ Rejects Provisional Measures on Ecuador Over Mexico Embassy Raid

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The Facts

  • The International Court of Justice (ICJ) unanimously found on Thursday that given the present circumstances of the case concerning the Embassy of Mexico in Quito (Mexico v. Ecuador), there is no need to indicate provisional measures.

  • This comes as, according to ICJ Pres. Nawaf Salam, Quito made legally binding promises in a letter to the court and in public hearings last month that cover the concerns of Mexico.

The Spin

Narrative A

Despite the claim that Ecuador has violated international law, it's effectively the other way around. It was Mexico that abused its immunities and privileges to illegitimately grant political asylum and provide refuge to a convicted common criminal. This ICJ ruling asserts that actions taken in Quito were entirely justified and in good faith.

Narrative B

The ICJ has effectively declared that Ecuador must respect Mexico's diplomatic premises, as precautionary measures were rejected simply because Quito had legally committed to comply with them beforehand. When the broader case is resolved, then Ecuador will be held accountable for breaching long-established rules on diplomatic immunity.

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