Illinois Mass Shooting Suspect Found Dead in Texas

    Image copyright: Scott Olson/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • A man suspected of fatally shooting eight people in a Chicago suburb on Monday has reportedly committed suicide following a confrontation with law enforcement in Texas.

    • The suspect, 23-year-old Romeo Nance, died from a self-inflicted gunshot after a standoff with multiple law enforcement agencies at a gas station in Natalia.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    The US is plagued by gun violence. Yet, Republicans continue to sit back and watch the carnage unfold rather than help Congress pass meaningful federal gun control laws to prevent Illinois-like incidents. The GOP, which is effectively owned by the gun lobby, has blood on its hands because it continues to offer "thoughts and prayers" after every mass shooting instead of taking concrete steps to end the endemic.

    Republican narrative

    Monday's fatal shooting in Illinois exemplifies why tighter gun control laws won't do anything to slow the pace of mass shootings. Illinois has some of the strongest gun control laws in the US, yet they did nothing to stop a criminal from opening fire on innocent Americans. The Democrats just want to infringe on the Second Amendment under the garb of preventing gun violence.

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