Pope Says Ukraine Should Negotiate End to War with Russia

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The Facts

  • Pope Francis, whose previous remarks on the Russia-Ukraine war have prompted controversy from both sides involved in the conflict, again faces scrutiny after suggesting that Ukraine should seek a negotiated end to the war.

  • In excerpts of an interview with Swiss television published Saturday, the pope stated: "I believe that those who see the situation, those who think about people, those who have the courage to raise the white flag and negotiate are stronger."

The Spin

Pro-Ukraine narrative

How can Ukraine negotiate with a nation that has illegally invaded the country, terrorized its people, and destroyed so much of its infrastructure. Peace will only come on Ukraine's terms, which must be discussed between Ukraine and its Western partners, and then imposed on Russia at a later date.

Pro-Russia narrative

Russia has repeatedly stated that it's open to negotiations to bring an end to this conflict — it is Ukraine obstructing peace talks, as Kyiv has outlawed negotiations with Russia and refused to cooperate. The idea of staging a "peace formula" without the participation of Russia is non-sensical.

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