Putin Challenger Submits Bid to Run for Russian President

Image copyright: Sasha Mordovets/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • A prominent critic of Russian Pres. Vladamir Putin, Boris Nadezhdin, says he has collected enough signatures to qualify for Russia's upcoming presidential election.

  • The former member of parliament, who has become well-known for his critiques of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his calls for an end to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, announced on Wednesday that he had received the required 100K signatures needed to be considered.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

Despite his overwhelming outpouring of support, it would be surprising if Nadezhdin isn't barred from running for president, given Putin's history of persecuting political rivals and shutting down any genuine political opposition. Democracy in Russia is performative, as no candidates actually capable of beating Putin are allowed to run — something that must change if Moscow wants to align with the rules-based international order.

Pro-establishment narrative

None of the other candidates campaigning against Putin stand any chance due to the president's current popularity. All of Russia is united in favor of this longstanding successful leader. At times of turmoil, like Russia being at war with Ukraine, it's especially important that the Russian people come together and vote for stability in the face of a threatening, hegemonic West.

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