Report: Navalny's Body Found Bruised in Arctic Morgue

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The Facts

  • Russian opposition media Novaya Gazeta Europe has reported, quoting an unidentified paramedic, that the body of recently deceased Alexei Navalny had bruises on the head and chest when he was allegedly brought to the Salekhard District Clinical Hospital for an autopsy.

  • According to the self-described experienced paramedic, these injuries would be consistent with those from attempts to hold down a convulsing individual as well as from an indirect cardiac massage.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

As more information emerges, the world will move from assuming this was an assassination to knowing it was. Putin, who chose to commit this murder around the time of the NATO security conference, has a long history of destroying all opposition. He won't be stopped until someone in his own orbit or from outside of Russia decides to rid the world of his dictatorial regime.

Pro-Russia narrative

The West has been pushing unproven propaganda about Navalny since the so-called assassination attempt in 2020. Now, with their self-proclaimed "opposition leader" having died of unknown causes, the anti-Russia powers that be will again spread unfounded rhetoric and accusations. The autopsy hasn't even been conducted and Western powers are already drawing fallacious conclusions.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split