Report: 'Rule of Law' in Decline Across EU

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The Facts

  • In a new report, the Civil Liberties Network warns that the rule of law is deteriorating throughout the EU as far-right governments threaten to undermine checks and balances. The study shows protesters' rights have been severely restricted, often over the Israel-Gaza conflict.

  • With data compiled from 37 rights groups across 19 nations, Berlin-based Liberties found in its 600-page report that rule of law challenges were rare in older democracies with mainstream parties in power like France, Germany, and Belgium.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

European democracy is deteriorating. Governments rush to pass laws without citizen involvement, resulting in lower-quality laws. Important safeguards to freedom of expression like the right to peaceful protest and freedom of the press are also threatened. Even in established democracies like Sweden and Italy, far-right parties are gaining support. The strength of democracy and the rule of law in Europe is far from guaranteed and must be strengthened by institutions.

Establishment-critical narrative

European voters are losing faith in the traditional political parties. They want things to change. People all around Europe can feel the economic fallout from the war in Ukraine, a pandemic, a banking crisis, and a cost-of-living crisis. People vote on right-wing parties that vow to protect people from perceived and real external threats, such as immigration and Euroscepticism. If the political establishment parties had performed better and met the needs of their voters, this situation would not have occurred.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split