Report: UK 'Tried to Suppress Criticism' of Alleged UAE Role in Sudan

Above: Permanent Representative of the United Arab Emirates to the United Nations Lana Nusseibeh (C) at the United Nations headquarters on November 22, 2023. Image copyright: Michael M. Santiago/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images North America

The Facts

  • UK officials are being accused of trying to suppress criticism of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and its alleged involvement in supplying military arms to Sudan's Rapid Support Forces (RSF). The RSF is accused of committing mass ethnic killings in the country.

  • Sources told the Guardian that the UK government is attempting to quell criticism of the Gulf state. Top African diplomats told international human rights lawyer Yonah Diamond that the UK lobbied states not to condemn the UAE during this month’s informal negotiations in Ethiopia.

The Spin

Establishment-critical narrative

It seems like the UK is tacitly supporting the RSF's ethnic cleansing campaign in Sudan by taking the side of the UAE. Despite its claims to the contrary, multiple high-level sources have claimed the UAE is providing arms to the militia and acting as its main benefactor. The UAE's relationship with the UK has led the country to relax its stance on the brutal conflict that has killed thousands of Sudanese, and it's clear that Emirati influence has caused the UK to support a genocidal insurgency.

Pro-establishment narrative

Led by the UK, the UN National Security Council is unequivocally calling for the RSF to end its campaign in Darfur. The international community has made its stance crystal clear, and the UK has taken bold action to condemn the violence in Sudan. It has also called on other coalitions, including the League of Arab States, to promote peacemaking efforts. Clearly, the UK is opposed to the RSF.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split