Report: Venezuela Deploys Military Near Guyana Border

Image copyright: Carlos Becerra/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Satellite images published by a Washington-based think tank, Center for Strategic and International Studies, on Friday purportedly show increased Venezuelan military activity near its border with oil-rich Guyana.

  • The images appear to suggest that Anacoco Island, situated at the Cuyuni River and Wenamu River on the Venezuela-Guyana border, is being cleared to build an amphibious base and deploy military tanks.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

Venezuela's military build-up near its border with Guyana revives fears of an escalation of tensions between the two countries as well as Caracas' possible incursions into Guyana. Pres. Maduro's provocative behavior contradicts his commitment to resolve the decades-old Essequibo dispute through diplomatic channels. The US must support Guyana's sovereignty and defend its territorial integrity against potential threats.

Establishment-critical narrative

Venezuela and Guyana have been negotiating to resolve the territorial dispute peacefully. However, tensions between the two neighbors flared up only after US oil giant ExxonMobil announced plans to drill two exploratory wells off the coast of Essequibo. Venezuela will take a proportional and lawful response if the US continues to provide military aid to Guyana and carries on with its imperialistic agenda to usurp its natural resources.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split