Reports: Zelenskyy Might Still Replace Top General

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The Facts

  • Following rumors that Valerii Zaluzhnyi, commander-in-chief of Ukraine's Armed Forces, was dismissed earlier in the week — prompting denials from the Ukrainian president's office — new reports in Western media have suggested that Pres. Volodymyr Zelenskyy may still be preparing to sack the army leader.

  • Speculation started to swirl when Zaluzhnyi, who's been in the role since July 2021, was summoned for a meeting with Zelenskyy on Monday. Reports about his alleged dismissal soon started to appear in a number of prominent Ukrainian news outlets and other media.

The Spin

Narrative A

Zaluzhnyi is a widely trusted general and has commanded Ukraine's Armed Forces since before the Russian invasion. Losing a competent, respected, and combat-tested leader at a time when the country is hanging on for territory would be a colossal mistake and one that should be avoided. No one is more suitable for the job than him.

Narrative B

While Zaluzhnyi is a trusted leader, reports suggest that disagreements between Zelenskyy and him date back to the spring of 2022 and have again flared in recent weeks. Though sacking him may be unpopular, the decision to fire him needs to be taken as Ukraine cannot have a situation where its military and political leadership are not coordinated.

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