Right-Wing Austrian Nationalist Banned From Germany

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The Facts

  • The Austrian right-wing activist Martin Sellner has been banned from entering Germany after he reportedly discussed the mass deportation of migrants at a meeting with members of the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party.

  • Sellner — a former co-leader of the ethnonationalist Identitarian Movement in Austria — posted a video on X on Tuesday saying that he couldn't enter Germany for three years, or else he would face deportation.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The entry ban against Sellner has sent a powerful message that German authorities do not tolerate right-wing agitators who undermine constitutional order and national security. In a tolerant and pluralistic society, there is no place for demagogues and right-wing conspiracy theorists who turn migrants into scapegoats without offering any real solutions to people's problems. The recent mass protests against the AfD proved that Germany will never allow hateful ideologies to poison its society.

Establishment-critical narrative

That Sellner is no longer allowed to enter Germany is outrageous and a further step in undermining freedom of expression so as to protect so-called "public order." The justification for this ruling is based on the narrative spread by the mainstream media of a right-wing conspiracy against migrants and the German state. Sellner needs to take legal action against the ban, or else a precedent will be set for the criminalization of the AfD and any patriot who opposes the policies of the globalist elites.

Metaculus Prediction

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