Romanian Appeals Court Returns Seized Assets to Andrew Tate

Image copyright: Andreea Campeanu/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Bucharest's Court of Appeal has overturned a December ruling, ordering a retrial over the seized assets of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate. Both men, who are currently being investigated on charges of human trafficking and rape, have announced via X that authorities will now have to prove their wealth was acquired through illegal means.

  • Since the brothers, along with Romanian women Luana Radu and Georgiana Naghel, were indicted, £10M (about $12.7M) worth of assets have been seized including multiple sports cars, 14 luxury watches, and several houses in Bucharest.

The Spin

Narrative A

The Tate brothers can't have it both ways. While they record themselves laughing about selling women for pornography profits, they also act surprised when some of those exploited speak up about the abuse they have endured. If anyone needs further evidence of Andrew Tate's horrific views on women, he has also been documented lauding how his father "did not submit to the will of [his] mother." The Tates have many skeletons in their closet that are sure to be uncovered soon.

Narrative B

While this case isn't yet over, it seems for now that Tate's resolute claims of innocence are being proved right. Tate has never tried to conceal the truths of the industry he works in, but damage to his reputation has certainly been overblown by the media. Tate preaches the virtues of staying away from violence, alcohol, and drugs, as well as the importance of hard work, diligence, and emotional control. Though not a saint, it's very unlikely Tate is the evil rapist he's been made out to be, and he certainly shouldn't be hounded before a thorough investigation has even taken place.

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