Scientists Create Pancreas-Mimicking Insulin

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The Facts

  • Researchers in the US, Australia, and China have developed smart insulins that mimic and respond to the body's natural response to changing blood sugar levels.

  • The novel insulin, which can be activated only when needed, could reduce the frequency of Type 1 diabetes treatments to just once a week rather than up to 10 times a day.

The Spin

Narrative A

This development not only promises to reduce the frequency of treatments, but also to significantly reduce the risk of long-term health complications. Additionally, it could free millions of Type 1 diabetes patients from the constant need for glucose monitoring, thereby easing both physical and mental burdens of the condition.

Narrative B

While this treatment could be promising, accessibility and affordability remain critical issues. Only when older, cheaper versions of the drug are discontinued and unhealthy competition is checked can these game-changing insulins replace existing treatments and improve diabetics' lives.

Metaculus Prediction

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