South Africa: Parliament's Ex-Speaker Charged With Corruption

Image copyright: Government of South Africa [via Flickr]

The Facts

  • Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, who recently stepped down as speaker of South Africa's National Assembly, was arrested Thursday on corruption and money laundering charges.

  • Following weeks of investigations, she turned herself over to police as her request for a court order to interdict her arrest was dismissed on Tuesday.

The Spin

Narrative A

Mapisa-Nqakula has relinquished her position not as an indication or admission of guilt but to uphold the integrity of the parliament. Her arrest means nothing, as she will eventually prove her innocence from these disturbing allegations. If anything, these latest developments show her respect for the country and its institutions.

Narrative B

On top of being a disaster during her tenure as speaker, Mapisa-Nqakula has further damaged the reputation of the National Assembly as she sought to use her position to interfere with and delay investigations into her alleged corruption scandal. She's finally gone now, but she should have resigned long ago.

Metaculus Prediction

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