Taiwan Urges China to Release Seized Fishing Boat, Crew

Image copyright: An Rong Xu/Stringer/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Taiwanese officials urged Beijing on Wednesday to release the seized Taiwan-registered fishing vessel Da Jin Man No. 88 and its detained crew as soon as possible.

  • The boat and its five crew members were escorted to a port in the province of Fujian on Tuesday night after the Chinese coast guard inspected the vessel sailing in Chinese territorial waters just off the Taiwan-controlled Kinmen Islands.

The Spin

Anti-China narrative

This latest boat seizure is proof that China's new regulations allowing its coast guard to board and seize vessels even in disputed waters, which came into force last month, were designed to escalate harassment on foreign vessels. Now more than ever, fishing vessels and others passing nearby must be extra cautious.

Pro-China narrative

Let alone that China has the right to practice sovereignty and enforce its seasonal fishing ban on both sides of the Straits, even Taiwanese authorities have confirmed that the incident took place in mainland waters. This boat seizure was normal law enforcement to protect the ecological environment and marine fishery resources.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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