Thailand: Former PM Hopeful Gets Suspended Sentence

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The Facts

  • A court in Thailand on Monday delivered a four-month jail sentence, which has been suspended for two years, and an 11.2K baht ($315) fine to the Move Forward Party leader Pita Limjaroenrat over a 2019 protest held in Bangkok.

  • In addition to Limjaroenrat — the former prime ministerial candidate who led his party to an overwhelming election win last year — seven other prominent political activists have also been handed similar sentences and a fine of 22K baht ($620) each for their role in the rally.

The Spin

Narrative A

Pita and his political allies have finally been handed their well-deserved sentence for violating the law and creating chaos in Bangkok with their 2019 flash mob protest. Though some may try and distract from this actions with a focus on their ideologies, this verdict is apolitical, as all charges against them are factual.

Narrative B

Protesters must be held accountable if their actions infringe on fellow citizens' freedom despite peaceful assembly being part of democracy. However, Monday's ruling is unfair, as the court failed to consider that the distance between the protest and the palace was measured incorrectly.

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