Ukraine Changes Military Leadership in Kharkiv After Russian Gains

Image copyright: Vlada Liberova/Libkos/Contributor/Getty Images News via Getty Images

The Facts

  • Following a new Russian offensive in Ukraine's eastern Kharkiv region late last week, Ukraine replaced the military commander in charge of the region, according to a report in RBC Ukraine on Monday.

  • According to the report, Gen. Yuriy Galushkin — who was only appointed the role in April — was replaced by Brigadier Gen. Mykhailo Drapaty, the deputy chief of staff of Ukraine's Armed Forces. He will reportedly keep his existing position.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

While everything was done to prepare for this Russian offensive in the time available, it was an uphill task to build fortifications that were strong enough given the proximity to the Russian border and how heavily the area was bombarded in the weeks leading up to the attack.

Establishment-critical narrative

This was a betrayal on the part of the existing Ukrainian leadership in the area. There appeared to be no mines and Russian forces simply walked across the border. There needs to be answers and accountability for how such a fiasco was allowed to happen.

Metaculus Prediction

Establishment split



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