Venezuela Detains Activist Over Alleged Plot to Kill Maduro

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The Facts

  • Venezuela confirmed on Sunday that the prominent human rights activist Rocío San Miguel was arrested Friday at an airport in Caracas over allegations that she was part of a conspiracy to kill Pres. Nicolás Maduro and other officials, as well as to attack the armed forces.

  • Attorney General William Tarek Saab stated on Monday that the 57-year-old vocal critic of the government, whose whereabouts remain unknown, had appeared before a tribunal and was charged with "treason, conspiracy and terrorism" among other counts.

The Spin

Pro-establishment narrative

The Venezuelan regime has stepped up its repression of dissent, instigating a wave of attacks on freedoms of expression, assembly, and peaceful association. Numerous cases exist of documented repression against trade unionists, journalists, human rights defenders, political leaders, and others who've voiced criticism of Pres. Nicolás Maduro. These are serious human rights violations that, rather than reflecting isolated incidents, indicate a policy of repression.

Establishment-critical narrative

Despite US efforts to destabilize Venezuela, the Attorney General's Office's initiatives will assure that Venezuela executes the 2024 election process will full protection of its sovereignty and with guarantees of peace. Venezuela condemns such attempts to incite unrest and destabilize the country. With the most recent arrests, conspiracies aimed at President Nicolas Maduro and other top officials have been foiled.

Metaculus Prediction

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