WWE Chief Resigns Over Sexual Assault Lawsuit

    Image copyright: Ethan Miller/Staff/Getty Images News via Getty Images

    The Facts

    • Vince McMahon on Friday resigned as executive chairman of TKO, the parent company of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), a day after a former employee filed a lawsuit accusing him of sexual assault and trafficking.

    • In her lawsuit filed in federal court in Connecticut, Janel Grant accused McMahon and former Head of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis of using her "as a sexual pawn to entice world-famous wrestling talent."

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    Grunt has put the spotlight on a culture of abuse present in what's arguably the world's most influential sports entertainment company. McMahon has a history of alleged depraved behavior, and there's evidence suggesting he's spent millions of dollars silencing multiple women who have accused him of sexual misconduct. However, because of his power and ties with wealthy individuals, he has so far escaped sentencing for his actions. It's time WWE confronted its scandal-laden legacy and took responsibility for its leadership's misconduct instead of trying to sweep the matter under the rug.

    Narrative B

    While we're yet to see how far this matter goes within the justice system, it's unfair to tar McMahon's character with allegations, past or current, that haven't been confirmed. What we do know about him is he successfully transformed WWE from a regional player to a multi-billion-dollar global giant within two decades, and WWE must stand behind its co-founder. Previous charges were ultimately dropped, and there's no evidence available to suggest current attempts to malign McMahon will go any further.

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