Airbnb Cancels Reservations In Russia, Bans Residents

    Image copyright: Shutterstock [via The Guardian]

    The Facts

    • Home rental company Airbnb said late on Mon. that all reservations in Russia and Belarus starting on or after Apr. 4 had been cancelled.

    • The company has also banned residents of Russia and Belarus from booking or staying at any Airbnb location worldwide.

    The Spin

    Establishment-critical narrative

    These sanctions are unfair and there is a clear risk they will lead to widespread Russophobia. It's not just the sanctions on Russian oligarchs, but there are also many informal sanctions on Russian people, culture and business. This is cancel culture stigmatizing an entire population for the crimes of one autocrat.

    Pro-establishment narrative

    Harsh economic sanctions are the West's best hope for deterring Putin and halting his invasion. This is a good start, and Russia's economy is already starting to crack. But even more is needed to bring Putin to the negotiating table.

    Narrative C

    Airbnb banning users for political reasons isn't new. However, its decision of blacklisting the population of Russia and Belarus is extreme, baffling and hypocritical, as the company keeps operating in other countries known for human rights abuses, including China.

    Establishment split



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