Beijing Loyalist John Lee Elected As Hong Kong's Next Leader

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via BBC]

    The Facts

    • John Lee, Hong Kong's former chief secretary, was chosen as the city's next leader on Sun., after receiving 1,416 votes of support from the ~1.5k-member election committee. Eight voted against him.

    • The selection process has become tightly controlled by Beijing after electoral revisions were implemented in 2021, with the election committee largely made up of politicians and business executives considered "patriots" loyal to China.

    The Spin

    Anti-China narrative

    Lee isn't fit to solve Hong Kong's social issues or revive its status as a global financial hub. He was favored because of his background in security and policing, as pro-Beijing politicians are paranoid about subversive activities that seek to halt the "mainlandization" of the city.

    Pro-China narrative

    The landslide victory of Lee proves that the people of Hong Kong support patriots ruling the territory, despite decades-long Western ambitions to undermine Chinese sovereignty. He's the right choice to ensure that order prevails and stability and unity are promoted.

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