Biden Considers Forgiving More Student Loan Debt

    Image copyright: AFP [via Getty Images]

    The Facts

    • In a meeting with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus on Mon., Biden said he's exploring further potential actions on student loan debt forgiveness.

    • Although he didn't discuss forgiving all student debt, he said he's open to going beyond the $10k loan forgiveness pledged during his campaign.

    • Rep. Darren Soto reported that canceling student debt is something Biden hopes to "carry out sooner rather than later," in a manner that will avoid adding to inflationary pressures.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Canceling student loan debt makes sense both economically and politically. Millions of Americans would start with a clean slate, and the stimulative effects in the future would be significant. It would also prove that Democrats can get something done for ordinary Americans, helping their odds in the upcoming midterm elections.

    Right narrative

    Biden has yet to present a plan to reduce new student loan volume. In the absence of such a plan, even if he were to forgive $50k per borrower, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget calculates that overall student debt will climb back up to current levels by 2030. This will only lead to higher inflation rates and more taxpayer dollars wasted.

    Cynical narrative

    This is nothing more than a transparent effort to bribe one of the wealthier cohorts of Americans to vote blue in the midterms. Even left-leaning think tanks agree that student loan forgiveness would be a boon to the rich and a transfer of wealth to the young and already privileged.

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