CBS Hires Former Trump COS Mick Mulvaney

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via Daily Caller]

    The Facts

    • Former Trump official Mick Mulvaney has been hired as an on-air commentator for CBS News, which has reportedly sparked a backlash among the network's news media staff.

    • Mulvaney, a former Congressman from SC, served for a time during the Trump admin. as both acting Chief of Staff and Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    This is an inexplicable move. Scratch the surface on Mulvaney's crowded resume and you'll find an ineffective lawmaker who "failed up" to the OMB, where he engineered the largest deficit ever during a period of economic growth. That was grounds for promotion in the Trump regime, so Mulvaney aquired the dubious distinction of being the worst WH COS in history.

    Republican narrative

    It's the news media's job to inform the American public and provide them with diverse viewpoints. Mulvaney is perfectly well qualified to offer informed opinions on topics like Joe Biden's proposed buget. But for the "woke" left, working for Trump disqualifies him?

    Cynical narrative

    Savvy media executives know that the run-up to the midterms is the time to retool for the next presidential election. Like it or not, Trump is still a top contender for the GOP nomination in 2024, and CBS will need Trump allies on their roster to ensure access to the top players in that campaign.

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