Climate Activist Dies After Setting Himself on Fire at Supreme Court

    Image copyright: CNN

    The Facts

    • Wynn Bruce, 50, from Boulder, CO, died on Sat. after setting himself on fire outside the US Supreme Court on Fri., which was also Earth Day. He was a climate activist and Buddhist, and potentially alluded to the act on social media.

    • Bruce was airlifted to a hospital in Washington DC after the incident, where he succumbed to his injuries. The Supreme Court area was closed on Fri. evening for investigation, but re-opened on Saturday.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    Self-immolation is an extremely rare form of protest in the West, but has deep roots in Buddhist tradition and eastern culture. We must hope that this tragic act wasn't in vain and that those in power will hear Bruce's message about climate change - many others are devastated by climate inaction and the Earth's future.

    Narrative B

    Despite noble intentions, there are important questions that must be raised about the circumstances surrounding Bruce's act, which was not only tragic and preventable, but also potentially damaging to the very cause he fought for.

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