COVID: Biden Admin Predicts 100M Fall Cases Without Congressional Help

    Image copyright: Shutterstock [via the Guardian]

    The Facts

    • The Biden Admin. is now predicting a COVID surge in the fall and winter if there's no support from Congress. Models predict that 100M Americans could become infected without additional funds to combat the pandemic, fueled by adaptation of the virus as well as waning natural and vaccine-driven immunity.

    • This prediction came as the US approaches 1M COVID deaths.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    Now's the time to prepare for another potential virus surge or outbreak in the future. This means budgetary commitments to strengthen the country's pandemic surveillance system, maintain testing infrastructure, and protect our most vulnerable citizens with boosters and other precautions. We need to put financial skin in the game.

    Republican narrative

    Democrats can't have it both ways. We can't devote billions to COVID treatments and preventative measures at the same time we're ending the Title 42 immigration policy - especially based on the notion that we're out of the COVID era. Which one is it?

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