Day 68 Roundup: Attack on Mariupol Resumes Amid Hope For Further Evacuations

Image copyright: Reuters [via The Guardian]

The Facts

  • Russia reportedly resumed attacks on Mariupol on Mon., following the evacuation of more than 100 civilians from the Azovstal steel plant over the weekend during a brief ceasefire. Mariupol City Council says another evacuation convoy is expected to depart early Tues. At least 100 adults and 20 children are trapped at the plant.

  • The UN and the Red Cross are assisting in the evacuation efforts. Evacuees are expected to be taken to the Ukrainian-controlled city of Zaporizhzhia but, as of Mon., the weekend convoy had not yet arrived there.

The Spin

Anti-Russia narrative

This invasion is an egregious violation of international law. Putin's ultimate aim is to restore the Soviet empire, even if it takes massive bloodshed and false pretexts such as calling the 2014 Ukrainian revolution after a fraudulent election a "coup". This unprovoked attack is the latest chapter in Putin's Orwellian attempt to rewrite history.

Pro-Russia narrative

NATO and the US have ignored Russia's security concerns by breaking their promise not to expand eastward in return for German reunification. These concerns are legitimate and taking them seriously would have avoided tragedy in Ukraine.

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