France Issues International Arrest Warrant for Carlos Ghosn

    Image copyright: forbes

    The Facts

    • On Thu., France issued an international arrest warrant for former Renault and Nissan CEO, Carlos Ghosn, over allegations of misuse of company assets, money laundering, and corruption.

    • Ghosn is accused of laundering millions of euros from Renault company funds through the Omani vehicle distributor Suhail Bahwan Automobiles for personal use.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    Court proceedings will bring to light the devastating facts of Ghosn's corruption and misconduct. This warrant brings Nissan one step closer in reaching justice for the accusations it levels against the former CEO, whose freedom has already come at great cost to other people, including those who helped him escape.

    Narrative B

    Ghosn may have functioned at the margins of the law - previous court settlements have attested to this - but it's still unresolved whether he's guilty of the crimes he's been accused of, or whether Japan's treatment of him met international standards of justice. Both need closer scrutiny.

    Narrative C

    The more important question that needs to be addressed is whether Ghosn is not only innocent but also a victim. He's always maintained that he was set up; did his growing unpopularity within the company and fear that he was going to merge Renault and Nissan lead to his unfair arrest? And, are today's allegations just another way to dirty his name?

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