G7 Meets to Keep Climate Action on Track

    Image copyright: Reuters

    The Facts

    • Ministers from the G7 countries held a three-day meeting in Berlin this week during which they sought to agree on common targets for shifting from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

    • German Energy and Climate Minister Robert Habeck said on Thurs. that the seven nations can lead the way on ending the use of coal, a heavily polluting fossil fuel that's responsible for a large chunk of global greenhouse gas emissions.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    It's essential that the international community addresses the climate crisis as soon as possible. Science continues to affirm that if climate change isn't dealt with now, catastrophe could soon be on the horizon. This is a good time to start these discussions, as Russia's invasion of Ukraine has heightened the world's focus on gas and energy alternatives

    Narrative B

    Renewables and fossil fuel reductions are important, but the world isn't ready yet. Nations are trying to pivot to green energy, but weather and COVID surged demand and fossil fuels must now make up for what renewables can't deliver. We are necessarily still reliant on non-renewable forms of energy, while renewable energy infrastructure is still being developed.

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