Jan. 6 D.C. Metro Cop’s Suicide Ruled 'in Line of Duty'

    Image copyright: NBC News

    The Facts

    • DC's Police compensation board has ruled that Metro police officer Jeffrey Smith's 2021 suicide was directly caused by injuries sustained while responding to the Jan. 6 riots at the US Capitol.

    • The ruling makes Smith's family eligible to receive benefits reserved for officers who lose their lives in the line of duty.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    Justice has finally been served. Smith was a hero, and what happened at the Capitol was an unnecessary tragedy. His family should be taken care of.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    While the suicide was tragic, the left media have latched onto and exagerated stories like this to make the Jan. 6 riots seem far more violent and menacing than they actually were.

    Establishment split



    More neutral establishment stance articles

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