Two bombs went off near bus stations close to Jerusalem entrances during peak commuter hour on Wednesday morning, killing an Israeli-Canadian teenager and injuring about 22 others, including two critically and two seriously.
The bombs reportedly contained nails to exert maximum damage and were detonated remotely via mobile phone. Parts of the main road linking Jerusalem and Tel Aviv were temporarily closed as police searched for other explosives, and two crossings into the West Bank were shut.
Police began a nationwide manhunt for those responsible, with senior security officials stating that this kind of attack hasn't been seen for years, and stressing the "high quality" of the explosive charges hidden in bushes behind bus stations.
This senseless attack is another example of Palestinian terrorism taking innocent Israeli lives. A 16-year-old boy is now dead simply because he was Jewish. The nation's security forces and intelligence agencies, however, won't stop until those responsible are brought to justice.
While this is indeed a tragic incident, Israelis who have experienced this disaster are not even close to understanding what Palestinians face every day in the West Bank, where occupation forces have killed over 140 Palestinians so far this year. Israel is not free of blame.