Pakistan's minister for climate change, Sherry Rehman, stated on Sun. that rich countries should pay reparations for their role in causing climate disasters faced by poorer nations.
In an interview, Rehman suggested, "There is so much loss and damage with so little reparations to countries that contributed so little to the world's carbon footprint that obviously the bargain made between the global north and global south is not working."
Pakistan is currently enduring extreme flooding after enduring both record-breaking monsoon rainfall as well as severe glacial melt in the country's northern mountains.
A third of Pakistan has been submerged by torrential floods, and 33M people are displaced due to the actions of the industrialized world. The global north has so far ignored the humanitarian crises from climate change because of its apathy toward poorer nations like Pakistan. This climate colonialism cannot be allowed to continue, and rich countries must be held accountable for their destruction of the environment.
Committing to climate reparations could see nations like the US on the hook for billions of dollars for decades or even centuries. People need to stop attempting to guilt rich nations into paying outrageous amounts to countries that have failed to adapt and invest in their infrastructure. The US, and its people, are facing enough of their economic challenges without paying unjustified reparations or taking on so-called "climate refugees".