Project Veritas Says Biden's DOJ Secretly Seized Its Emails

    Image copyright: Octavio Jones/Reuters [via The New York Times]

    The Facts

    • Project Veritas, a conservative activist group, accused the US DOJ on Tues. of attempting to seize records of its internal communications.

    • The group alleges that the DOJ began a campaign against them in late 2020 after learning that they'd obtained a copy of Biden's daughter's diary.

    The Spin

    Right narrative

    The DOJ's behavior towards Project Veritas is a clear violation of the group's First Amendment rights. There is nothing to indicate that it obtained Biden's daughter's diary unlawfully, and the group is being persecuted by the federal government.

    Left narrative

    Project Veritas is an inflammatory far-right group that regularly engages in unethical journalistic behavior in pursuit of perceived political opponents. Since it does not abide by the ethical standards of journalists, the group should not enjoy the privileges afforded to them.

    Public figures in this story

    Political split



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