Rep.-Elect Santos Investigated Over Fabrications

Image copyright: AFP/Getty Images [via CNBC]

The Spin

Republican narrative

Although lying on the campaign trail is inarguably an inexcusable move, the opposition and its cronies in the media are using this as a political tool to launch an assault on the GOP while conveniently turning a blind eye when one of their own does the same. Pres. Biden himself is no stranger to deceit, having plagiarized speeches, lied about attending an HBCU, and made false claims about his grades in law school.

Democratic narrative

Santos lied and deceived the people he promised to represent. Now, even after admitting to his lies, he's trying to pin the blame on media outlets that simply reported the Congressman-elect's fabrications. Santos won't accept responsibility for his actions, and he's unfit to serve the people of New York.

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