Report: IRS Delayed Trump Tax Audits

Image copyright: AP [via Breitbart]

The Spin

Democratic narrative

It seems Trump wasn’t lying when he said he was under audit during the 2016 election. But while some thought he was hiding nefarious tax evasion – which he still may be guilty of, to the tune of tens of millions of dollars – he was actually afraid of his less-than-masterful business skills being revealed. The IRS is also at fault here, and it's time the agency rebuilds itself to finally go after the rich and powerful.

Pro-Trump narrative

This report isn't about holding the IRS or the wealthy accountable, it's about Democrats taking one more baseless jab at nailing Trump before they're out of power in less than two weeks. This is also an attempt to codify the release of any and all public officials' taxes in the future, creating a weapon against political opponents, and dissolving the separation of powers between Congress and the White House.

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