SCOTUS Hears 'Remain in Mexico' Dispute

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The Facts

  • SCOTUS began on Tues. to hear arguments from the Biden admin. in its latest bid to end the Trump-era "Remain in Mexico" policy.

  • Justices heard oral arguments in an appeal of a lower court ruling reinstating the Migrant Protection Protocol (MPP) based on a provision of a 1996 US immigration law that says US officials "may return" certain immigrants to Mexican territory pending immigration proceedings.

The Spin

Right narrative

"Remain in Mexico" is important for the safety of Americans; it prevents a massive inflow of migrants from entering the US, and limits the ability of drug cartels and human smugglers to operate.

Left narrative

MPP is inhumane and inflicts harm on vulnerable people; the Trump administration even admitted in court more than two years ago that those in the program risk cartel kidnappings. It's time to end this harmful program.

Democratic narrative

The lower-court ruling and the decision by a panel appeals court against the administration have no basis in precedent or law, but are politically partisan decisions by a Trump-appointed judge and Republican panel.

Political split



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