Supreme Court Declines to Hear Bill Cosby Sexual Assault Case

    Image copyright: Getty Images [via The New York Post]

    The Facts

    • SCOTUS announced Monday that it wouldn't review a sexual assault case against comedian Bill Cosby, leaving him a free man and ending a two-decade legal battle.

    • Cosby was released from prison after 3 yrs last June, when Pennsylvania's High Court overturned his conviction. The ruling was based on a former prosecutor's secret pledge that Cosby would never be indicted.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    This is a huge win for the comedian and for justice. Cosby was a victim of the DA's reprehensible bait and switch. Now, at 84 years old, he has rightly been freed.

    Narrative B

    There was ample evidence to convict Cosby, as numerous women have come forward against him. A formal agreement not to prosecute was never made and his release now is unjustified.

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