Thailand Legalizes Medical Marijuana

    Image copyright: AP [via Al Jazeera]

    The Facts

    • On Thurs., Thailand became the first Asian country to decriminalize the cultivation and possession of cannabis.

    • Though decriminalized, the law only allows the use of cannabis for medicinal purposes, not recreational.

    The Spin

    Narrative A

    There are acknowledged contradictions in Thailand's marijuana experiment. Bangkok is looking to cautiously move into the lucrative cannabis market without expanding too far to include recreational users. This is a delicate balancing act that's confusing to law enforcement and government officials, and legislation is trying to play catch-up to shifting attitudes in the Southeast Asian nation.

    Narrative B

    While it's great that Thailand has legalized cannabis within the country for medical use, it's time to expand to recreational use also. As laws in Thailand continue to change and evolve, the government should look to legalize the plant for all consumers - this would be a boon to both citizens and businesses.

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