Brett Hankison Found Not Guilty in Shooting During Breonna Taylor Raid

    Image copyright: AP [via The Daily Caller]

    The Facts

    • Former Louisville police officer Brett Hankison has been found not guilty of wanton endangerment for firing multiple rounds into Breonna Taylor's apartment in a raid that led to her death.

    • Officers kicked in the door of Taylor's apartment using a no-knock warrant. Her boyfriend returned fire, shooting once, thinking intruders were forcing entry. Police responded with 32 rounds and hit Taylor 6 times, killing her.

    The Spin

    Left narrative

    This is clear evidence of the lack of police accountability. Not only should Hankison have been charged for Taylor's death, the fact that he was the only officer involved to face any charges prompts further demand for real police reform, including a federal ban of no-knock warrants.

    Right narrative

    This trial was not about Breonna Taylor or the personal responsibility of Hankison. The former officer's attorney clearly showed that Hankison acted as he had been trained to do and was attempting to save the lives of fellow officers under fire. Even if the raid itself was botched, Hankison himself performed his duty.

    Political split



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