Trump's Former Campaign Chairman Removed from Flight to Dubai

    Image copyright: Reuters [via CNBC]

    The Facts

    • Former Trump adviser Paul Manafort, 72, was removed from a flight at Miami International Airport prior to its departure for Dubai, it was revealed Wed., on account of a revoked passport.

    • He served as Trump's presidential campaign chairman in 2016, but was removed after revelations about his foreign business dealings, including his ties the pro-Russia former president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

    The Spin

    Democratic narrative

    While we don't know what Manafort's intentions were, it's worth asking why Dubai, why now? Dubai has become a gathering spot for Russian oligarchs and their yachts since the invasion of Ukraine. Perhaps Manafort planned a reunion with an old client, Yanukovych, who some say would be Putin's first choice for a puppet president in Ukraine.

    Pro-Trump narrative

    The charges against Manafort were all sensationalized by the Mueller Russian collusion "witch hunt," which tried to pressure Manafort to "flip" on Trump. It was all smoke, no fire.

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