Ukraine: Group Attempts to Steal Banksy Mural

Image copyright: Reuters [via Al Jazeera]

The Facts

  • On Friday, eight people were detained for trying to steal a mural painted by the British graffiti artist Banksy off the wall of a building near Ukraine's capital Kyiv.

  • Before the police caught the group in the city of Hostomel, they had managed to cut a part of the mural bearing the image of a gas mask-wearing gown-clad woman holding a fire extinguisher.

The Spin

Narrative A

The very nature of street art is that it's a temporary statement subject to the possibility of being removed. While Banksy's work has undoubtedly become a cultural beacon, it seems that, in his case, graffiti isn't a crime until it's stolen.

Narrative B

Banksy's work is far more than just graffiti. It's a political bridge between culture, arts, and activism with historical significance. There's no question that his art should be protected and preserved.

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